Life was the first all-photography U.S. news magazine and dominated the market for more than forty years. Life celebrated the "photo essay." Life was wildly successful for generations before its prestige was diminished by economics and changing tastes. Since 1972, Life has twice ceased publication and resumed in a different form, before ceasing once again with the issue dated April 20, 2007. Recently, the brand name continues on the Internet. -Wikipedia
AGENDA1. Lets look, ASSIGNMENT #10 Illustration
2. Discuss your
Final Project ideas, Proposal due today.
3. Remainder of History of Photojournalism
4. iMovie. Audio. Who needs recorders? Bring camera/recorder next week.
Upcoming dates of importance-Get started on Final Projects, drop 8-10 photos in DROP.
-All outstanding Photojournalist Papers are due.
-EXAM NEXT WEEK: 4/13/09 9:45am sharp.-No make-up exams.
-review all the Power Point Presentations. Especially if you were absent.
-Be aware that many of the PPP’s contained more material than we discussed in class.
-visit web sites/links listed in the PPP’s
-review all entries on the class blog this semester:
-make sure you have completed all the reading assignments.
-be sure you understand each shooting assignment & different types of photos.
-review all photo essays discussed\assigned in class, and those in the PPP’s.
-be familiar with important photographers, agencies, publications, discussed in class.
-Read & study all docs in PHOTOGRAPHER’s BIO’s folder.
-Know their names, their work, their era (no dates), why they are important.