
FALL '08 Week 11

1. Photos of the week, MSNBC Blog
2. Let's look, ASSIGNMENT #10; Illustration
3. Remaining History of PJ; Various photojournalists
4. Code of Ethics

Homework for next week:
a-study for exam.
b-watch James Nachtwey's TED speech.
c-look at Nachtwey's photos from the TED Project on Media Storm.
d-get started on Final Project, put 8-12 photos in the DROP for discussion.

Upcoming dates of importance
Get started on Final Projects NOW
First Round of Final Project photos due next week.
12/15/08 Final Project due, last Class.
11/24/08 EXAM, next week:
Exam will begin 9:45am sharp. No make-up exams.
-review all the Power Point Presentations. Especially if you were absent.
Be aware that some PPP’s contained more material than we discussed in class.
-review the Blog and all its entries.
-visit web sites listed in the PPP’s & on the Blog.
-be familiar with the basic principles of the NPPA "Code of Ethics."
-make sure you have completed all the reading assignments.
-make sure you understand what each shooting assignment was about, the different types of photos we’ve discussed in class.
-review all photo essays discussed\assigned in class, and those in the PPP’s.
-be familiar with important photographers, agencies, publications, discussed in class.
-the history of PJ will be a big part of the exam.
-Study the Bio’s.
-Know their names, their work, no dates but the era , know why they are important.