How to create a simple audio slideshow using iPHOTO.
1. AUDIO: find a piece of audio or music, convert to MP3.
2.PHOTOS: edit all images you wish to include, can be as many as 20.
3. ADD PHOTOS: add pics to iPHOTO:
-create new album (+ button at bottom), give it name.
-add images.
-sort them (view> sort > manually).
-create slideshow: (select ALL images> +button> click SLIDESHOW> create)
-customize all settings (music, transitions, Ken Burns effect, etc.)
DO NOT: repeat slideshow.
DO NOT: scale image to screen size.
DO NOT: show titles.
DO NOT: Ken Burns effect if not necessary.
4. EXPORT: click on newly created slideshow, in Library in column on left.
(Export> Large 640X 480> slug:
5. DROP FOLDER: place in DROP folder.