LOG IN: labs
SLICE is the Ramapo College server that we will use extensively in this class. SLICE can be accessed on MAC’s anywhere. Not PC's -sorry.
-click on desktop
-Main Menu> Connect to server
-Type SLICE (if it does not already appear or using from off campus: slice.ramapo.edu)
USERNAME: (your first initial, last name) Example: tfranklin
PASSWORD: ramapo2015
**After you successfully login, create new password.
-Disk will mount on the desktop once connected.
-STUDENTS MUST go to options to change password to your personal password.
There are two sections: Students & Faculty.
FACULTY: this is where all course material is located.
STUDENTS: this is where students personal folders are located.
In order to get into the MAC labs on campus you will need swipe card access. Students currently registered for the class are allowed access to the classroom. If you need access to the lab please contact Paul Pittman.
The servers for CA Macintosh users. 1Gig of space is available per person. Buy be sure to backup up important work to CD’s, DVD’s.
If you need help with the computers in the lab or the computer in your office, the Academic Help Desk is here. (mac or PC). Ask for one-on-one training if needed.
You can contact us at extension 6600 or at fac_help@ramapo.edu
The Macintosh Help Desk is also here. You can contact us at extension 7355 or e-mail us at maclab@ramapo.edu.
Tom Doyle works primarily on the Macintosh side and have several lab aides who will be here to help you as well. Lab aides will be located in the H-wing lounge and also in Berrie Center.
If you know ahead of time that you will need a lab aide's assistance you can contact Ann alepore@ramapo.edu to schedule this.
Otherwise, Lab Aides can be contacted through iChat – username – maclabaide.
To keep the applications on the lab computers running smoothly, we request that students not save anything to the hard drive. Instead, on the desktop there will be another drive labeled Work. This is where students should temporarily save work that they are using during class.
However, students should not rely on lab computers as a storage location for their work. Save work to a CD, DVD, or portable firewire drive. I recommend that students purchase a few CD-RWs for this purpose. They store more and are less expensive than Zip disks, which can occasionally get corrupted. We do not use floppies in the Mac labs.
Most of the computer labs here are accessible only with swipe card access. If you don't have swipe access, let Darren Ryan, Paul Pittman know. Students in these labs will only be allowed to use them if they are currently registered for a class in the same room. If a student is not registered for class in a lab, then they should not use that lab.
No food in the labs. No drinks in the labs.
No touching of the plasma screens. They look so touchable but they damage very easily.
Academic Help Desk (Mac or PC for faculty and labs)
extension 6600 fac_help@ramapo.edu
Macintosh Help Desk extension 7355 maclab@ramapo.edu.
Communication Facilities Coordinator Paul Pittman 6853 ppitman@ramapo.edu
(Paul is also person to see regarding camera sign-outs)
Berrie Center Facilities Coordinator Darren Ryan 7249 dryan@ramapo.edu
SLICE is the Ramapo College server that we will use extensively in this class. SLICE can be accessed on MAC’s anywhere. Not PC's -sorry.
-click on desktop
-Main Menu> Connect to server
-Type SLICE (if it does not already appear or using from off campus: slice.ramapo.edu)
USERNAME: (your first initial, last name) Example: tfranklin
PASSWORD: ramapo2015
**After you successfully login, create new password.
-Disk will mount on the desktop once connected.
-STUDENTS MUST go to options to change password to your personal password.
There are two sections: Students & Faculty.
FACULTY: this is where all course material is located.
STUDENTS: this is where students personal folders are located.
In order to get into the MAC labs on campus you will need swipe card access. Students currently registered for the class are allowed access to the classroom. If you need access to the lab please contact Paul Pittman.
The servers for CA Macintosh users. 1Gig of space is available per person. Buy be sure to backup up important work to CD’s, DVD’s.
If you need help with the computers in the lab or the computer in your office, the Academic Help Desk is here. (mac or PC). Ask for one-on-one training if needed.
You can contact us at extension 6600 or at fac_help@ramapo.edu
The Macintosh Help Desk is also here. You can contact us at extension 7355 or e-mail us at maclab@ramapo.edu.
Tom Doyle works primarily on the Macintosh side and have several lab aides who will be here to help you as well. Lab aides will be located in the H-wing lounge and also in Berrie Center.
If you know ahead of time that you will need a lab aide's assistance you can contact Ann alepore@ramapo.edu to schedule this.
Otherwise, Lab Aides can be contacted through iChat – username – maclabaide.
To keep the applications on the lab computers running smoothly, we request that students not save anything to the hard drive. Instead, on the desktop there will be another drive labeled Work. This is where students should temporarily save work that they are using during class.
However, students should not rely on lab computers as a storage location for their work. Save work to a CD, DVD, or portable firewire drive. I recommend that students purchase a few CD-RWs for this purpose. They store more and are less expensive than Zip disks, which can occasionally get corrupted. We do not use floppies in the Mac labs.
Most of the computer labs here are accessible only with swipe card access. If you don't have swipe access, let Darren Ryan, Paul Pittman know. Students in these labs will only be allowed to use them if they are currently registered for a class in the same room. If a student is not registered for class in a lab, then they should not use that lab.
No food in the labs. No drinks in the labs.
No touching of the plasma screens. They look so touchable but they damage very easily.
Academic Help Desk (Mac or PC for faculty and labs)
extension 6600 fac_help@ramapo.edu
Macintosh Help Desk extension 7355 maclab@ramapo.edu.
Communication Facilities Coordinator Paul Pittman 6853 ppitman@ramapo.edu
(Paul is also person to see regarding camera sign-outs)
Berrie Center Facilities Coordinator Darren Ryan 7249 dryan@ramapo.edu